Art Sprint Launch

We are thrilled to introduce our Art Sprint!

Sprint is a program developed by KOREAN NFT to make web3 information and knowledge more approachable for non-techs and creators.

We are launching our first phase with a cohort of Korean NFT artists who will develop their creative direction, receive support from sprint partners MakersPlace and NiftyKit, and put it to build their art, project, or collection.

Our sessions include the importance of the web3 ecosystem and NFT culture for all creators, along with daily challenges to earn more points.

Their final challenge will require them to submit a final presentation of their creative project proposal!
Check out the video of NiftyKit's session on smart contracts!
Sharing more soon!

[아트 스프린트]

KOREAN NFT에서 최초로 크리에이터, 아티스트, NON-TECH 분들을 위한 Web3, NFT 온보딩 프로그램을 런칭했습니다!

지금까지 아티스트에게 web3가 의미하는 것과 NFT 문화에 대한 파악, 그리고 커뮤니티에 대해서도 다뤄보았습니다.
오늘은 NiftyKit의 Co-Founder 테렌스님을 모시고 스마트 컨트랙트에 대해서 배웠는데 특별히 세션의 하이라이트를 공개합니다!
자막을 통해 몇가지 중요 NFT 단어도 구경하세요!


Letters Of the Future |


Publishing NFTs on Nifty Gateway!